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  1. Fundamental Nursing Skill by penny hilton (1.255 Kb) download sekarang via 4 share
  2. Holistic Nursing A Handbook for practice fourth edition (8.806 Kb) (Download)
  3. Pedoman Perawatan Pasien by WHO alih bahasa Monica Ester, S.Kp -EGC 2008 (2.607 Kb) (download) 
  4. Fundamental Nursing Skills
  5. Critical Care Clinics, Sleep in The ICU
  6. Nursing Research, Principles and Methods
  7. Nursing Entrepreneurs, Turning Initiative Into Independence
  8. Cancer in Children and Young People, Acute Nursing Care
  9. Health Promotion in Practice
  10. Woman’s Health Care in Advance Practice Nursing
  11. Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols For Best Practice
  12. Managing Pain in The Older Adult
  13. Manual of Nursing Home Practice for Psychiatrists
  14. Renal Nursing – A Practical Approach
  15. Mood and Anxiety Disorders During Pregnancy and Post Partum
  16. Journal Of Health Organization and Management, Using Critical Theories to Develop Understanding of Health Management
  17. Basic Of Blood Management
  18. Clinical Pediatry Neurology, A Sign and Symptoms Approach
  19. The Handbook of Community Mental Health Nursing
  20. Nursing Research, Principles and Methods
  21. Managerial Decision Making
  22. Decision Making and Problem Solving Strategies
  23. Delmar’s Pediatric Nursing Care Plans
  24. Case Studies in Performance Management, A Guide from the ExpertsEncyclopedia of Nursing Research
  25. Fundamental Nursing Skills 
  26. Essentials of Paediatrics Intensive Care 
  27. The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership 
  28. Guidelines on the Nurse Entre/Intrapreneur Providing Nursing Service 
  29. Health Care Delivery and Nursing Practice 
  30. Health Care Politics, Policy, and Services: A Social Justice Analysis 
  31. Leadership and Decision Making 
  32. Cardiothoracic Surgical Nursing 
  33. Evidence-Based Management of Acute Muskuloskeletal Pain 
  34. Nursing Management for Nursing Leaders Everywhere 
  35. Medicare’s Quality Improvement Organization Programs : Maximizing Potentials 
  36. Measuring The Quality of Health Care 
  37. Neonatal Intensive Care NursingMedical Surgery Nursing Demystified: A Self Teaching Guide 
  38. Nursing Leadership : A Concise Encyclopedia A. Leadership Role and Management Function in Nursing : Theory and Implications
    B. Clinical Studies Management : A Practical Guide to Success
    57. 15 Prinsip Dasar Kecerdasan Emosional
    58. 21 Cara Mengingat Fakta Klinik
    59. Teori-Teori Keperawatan
    60. Kisah Hidup Florence Ninghtingale
    61. Notes On Nursing
    62. Dictionary of Nursing
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